Transportation equipment manufacturing technology development status
Manufacturing continued use of advanced manufacturing technology, but compared with the industrialized countries, there is still a gap on the whole stage.
Widely used in industrialized countries, computer management, attention to the organization and management system, the development of production model update, launch time
production, agile manufacturing, lean production, concurrent engineering and other new management ideas and automated sorting machine mechanical technology. Only a few large
enterprises of local
Using a computer-aided management, the majority of small businesses are still in experience management stage.
Manufacturing process. Industrial countries wider use of high-precision machining, precision machining, micromachining, micro-mechanical and micro / nano-technology, laser
processing technology, electromagnetic processing technology, superplastic processing technology and composite processing technology and other new processing methods. Our
Not high, still in development, hands.
roller conveyor equipment and machinery technology. Industrial countries generally used CNC machine tools, machining centers and flexible manufacturing cell (FMC), flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS), computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS), to achieve a flexible automation, knowledge, intelligence, integration.
China is still in the single automation, automated stage rigid, flexible manufacturing cells and systems in only a few enterprises.
Advanced automated conveyor machinery manufacturing technology trends
Globalization. On the one hand the international and domestic markets more competitive, such as machinery manufacturing industry, there are many domestic and foreign
enterprises, and even high-profile companies, in this ruthless competition have been lost, there is collapse, some were merged. Many yet
Share in the domestic market share of the enterprise, had to expand into new markets; the other hand, the rapid development of network communication technology to promote the
enterprise both competition and cooperation toward the direction of development that further intensification of international competition in the market. The interaction of these
two factors
, Has become the driving force of globalization manufacturing development, globalization made the first one is based on network technology, network communication technology
enables manufacturing of globalization can be achieved. Logistics and transport machinery designed for modeling and simulation. Virtualization is the core of computer
simulation, the simulation software to model
Real system intended to ensure that product design and product process is reasonable, to ensure the success of manufacturing and production cycles and found the design,
production defects and errors inevitable.
Automation is a dynamic concept, currently its research mainly in manufacturing system integration technology and systems technology, human-computer integrated manufacturing
system, manufacturing cell technology, manufacturing process planning and scheduling, flexible manufacturing technologies and adapt existing production patterns peer
manufacturing environment
Surface. Transportation machinery manufacturing automation technology trend is to create global, agile manufacturing, manufacturing network, making virtualization, intelligent
manufacturing and manufacturing green. Manufacturing technology is not only a measure of a country's technological development level of an important symbol, but also in the
international technology competition
Indisputable priority. China is in a critical period of economic development, manufacturing technology is our weak link. Only to keep up with the development of advanced
manufacturing technology trend of the world, put it in strategic priority, and in sufficient strength to be implemented as soon as possible in order to narrow the gap with
developed countries in order to
In the fierce market competition in an invincible position. In short, in our research and development of advanced automated conveyor equipment machinery manufacturing technology
is imperative.
Zhengzhou Modern Automation Equipment Co., LTD's spiral conveyor simple structure, small cross-sectional size, good sealing, reliable, low cost, easy to intermediate loading and unloading, conveying direction can reverse, would also have the opposite two direction of transport. Spiral conveyor is widely used in various industries, such as building materials, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, coal charcoal, food and other industries.
drag chain conveyor

drag chain conveyor