
Plate conveyor features

A wide range of applications. In addition to the particularly large viscosity materials, in general, into pieces of solid material and can use it to transport;

2, the transmission capacity. In particular slat slat Conveyor System (commonly known as duplexes with ribs wavy slat conveyors) production capacity of up to 1000t / h;

3, the traction chain, high strength, can be used as long-range transport;

4, the transmission line layout flexibility. Compared with the belt conveyor, plate conveyor to the larger pitch and smaller Belt conveyor bend radius conditions of transport, so the

flexibility of layout. Plate conveyor inclination up to 30 ° -35 °, bending radius is generally about 5-8m;

5, in the delivery process can be classified, drying, cooling or assembly of a variety of processing;

6, smooth and reliable operation.

